2026 Oceanic sailing

Program to be defined - we are open to suggestions​
Leg #1 :
Leg #2 :
Leg #3 :

from € 2,000 per person & per leg, including Kitty Fees
Contributions are set per trip/leg per crew member. They includes accommodation, food, fuel,
satellites communications and marina fees, and of course a share for maintenance of the boat.
From 2000€ to 4000€ depending on which leg you want to sail.
For offshore legs, you ideally will have spent at least few nights at sea, and have experienced some strong or heavy weather conditions for a significant time.
For coastal legs even few experienced sailors will be fine. 

Total crew will be 4-6 people for efficient and fast sailing and various training opportunities.

We practise celestial navigation on the offshore long trips, and we have a sextant you can use.
We go into every aspect of managing a boat and her crew when offshore over a long duration.
We go deep into sailing strategies.
We do many foresail changes, reefing, and fly spinnakers and gennaker, in order to sail the boat as well as we can.
We prefer not to embark heavy smokers, we do not drink any alcohol at sea, and there is obviously no drugs at all on board :)
Sailing gears : it is important to have your own sailing gear, that fit you well, and are adapted to the actual area we are sailing. Pay attention to the comfort, the quality and the efficiency of your oilies and boots.
We only have a very limited spare jackets, pants and boots on board.
Remember, there is no bad weather, only bad gears !!!!