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North Atlantic and the viking routes

Discover the wild Islands of the N Atlantic ocean and their untouched beauty

61º23' N - 006º40' W

Oceanic sailing in the North Atlantic in between Iceland and Scotland, in May and June.


Duration : One or two weeks legs (300 to 700 Nm).


Price : from 2,500 Euros per week per crewmember, all included.


Regarding the potentially difficult weather conditions in this area, we strongly recommend you to bring your own wet gears/oilies, as well as warm underlayers. We provide life jackets and PLB if needed.

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Our first oceanic leg will be in between Iceland and West Scotland. This is an oceanic trip we want to be a qualifying Yachmaster Ocean passage - Total length is 750 nautical miles, with more than 600 offshore.


We will sail as a constituted crew, with watch teams, sail changes, celestial navigation, weather planning and oceanic boat management.


In Scotland the boat will spend two weeks enjoying the Hebrides coast and nice moorings.

Then, leaving Scotland, we will sail to the North to reach the Orkneys, Shetlands and the Forøyar Archipelago.

Old viking settlement and today autonomous territory of Denmark, the Faeroes offer a stunning wild beauty in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean.


The Islanders are proud of their culture anf their self sufficiency, developed through thousands of years of autonomy.

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We will call in different small havens of the islands of Suduroy, Sandoy and Stremoy, until the big harbour of Klaksvig. From there, we will catch a good weather's opportunity to perform our passage to Iceland.


During this last offshore passage, we will discover the uprising arctic sun and the almost continuous day light ; We expect to meet Whales, Orcas and Dolphins migrating to the Glacial Arctic Ocean.


Finally we will reach the  East Coast of Iceland, in Seidisfjordur, main harbour in the East Fjords.

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